Private wealth

A new stage in your life? At your side to examine it from a wealth perspective, taking into account the legal and tax implications.
Private wealth

Whether it's a happy event or a bitter one, we always feel deeply honored by the trust placed in us to be called upon at key moments in our customers' personal and family lives (unions, inheritance, disunity, death, etc.).

We're here to listen to you, and to discuss these important and sometimes delicate issues with you in a friendly and discreet way.

Our involvement covers both legal and tax aspects.

Wealth assessment & Estate planning

Because "anticipate" is the maître-word in wealth management, we also put our expertise at your service to help you protect and support what matters most to you, consistently and securely, in the short or long term.

Main themes covered:

  • Spousal protection,
  • property owned by married couples,
  • PACS,
  • Consent to adoption,
  • Consent to medically assisted procreation (MAP),
  • Early recognition,
  • Mandate for future protection,
  • Donation,
  • Renunciation of action in reduction (RAAR),
  • Divorce,
  • Share,
  • Will and testament,
  • Business transfer,
  • Hereditary reserve,
  • Reversion of usufruct,
  • Life insurance,
  • Fiducie-gestion,
  • Succession,
  • Estate declaration,
  • Undivided agreement,
  • Family companies, holding companies.

"Lex est quodcumque notamus".

What we write is the law / We write with the law,
Motto of the International Union of Notaries (UINL)

What we write is the law
We write with the law
Motto of the International Union of Notaries (UINL)

Online appointment

Only certain time slots are available for online appointments. Please contact us if you would like an appointment in a time slot other than those suggested.

Your file

From your dedicated online space, you can obtain information on the status of your file, chat, transmit documents and make secure online payments.